Tag: White Treasure

Soft Science record release – more photos

We may have mentioned this a time or three, but this past weekend was jammed with great shows. To start it all off was the Soft Science record/cassette release party at Hang Fire Thursday night. Petee’s already been over this,…

Soft Science’s Record Release Show at Hang Fire – photos

Last week was a killer time for the music scene in Savannah. With 4 days packed full of killer shows, there wasn’t a thing in the world that was going to keep me from checking out as many acts as…

New label Soft Science debuts on 1/9 at Hang Fire

It’s a huge weekend at Hang Fire here in Savannah. And, as always, the Savannah weekend starts on Thursday night. Soft Science — the new Savannah-based record label headed up by Gus Muller (best known on the scene for his…