Tag: Sunglow

Coming Up: Warehouse, Red Sea, Superteen, Vishnu Basement and Sunglow May 31st at Hang Fire

This weekend looks to be a busy one for music enthusiasts in Savannah. If the SCAD alumni concert on Friday wasn’t enough to get you excited, Saturday night at Hang Fire is sure to do the job. With a 5…

Heyrocco + Triathalon + Sunglow at Hang Fire — photos and short review

There were some really great vibes at Hang Fire on Thursday night for the No Control party featuring Heyrocco, Triathalon, and Sunglow. I had already had a pretty full night by the time I got to Hang Fire: a friend…

Fare The Gap, Roses, New York City Queens, and Sunglow at Hang Fire – photos

The music scene seems to be steadily growing in Savannah thanks to the dedication of a lot of individuals who’ve committed themselves to getting the city on the radar of touring bands. That means two things for writers/photographers/music enthusiasts like…

Downtown Double-Header at The Jinx and Hang Fire

Last Saturday was probably one of the busiest nights music-wise I’ve had in a long time. Downtown was hit with six top quality acts at two of the best venues in town and luckily I managed to catch a bit…