Tag: Savannah’s Fashion NIght

Dent May and GEMS at Savannah’s Fashion Night – photos

GEMS and Dent May performed during the finale fashion shows on the Drayton and Montgomery street stages at last week’s Savannah’s Fashion Night. And then both acts played again at the after-party at Ampersand. In a perfect world, I would…

Matrimony at Savannah’s Fashion Night on Broughton Street – photos

Well the lighting conditions in the VIP tent at last week’s Savannah’s Fashion Night were pretty tough for photography, but there was no dimming the beauty and energy of Matrimony‘s long, sweaty set. I hope we’ll be seeing the Charlotte-based…

Matrimony, Dent May, GEMS playing Savannah’s Fashion Night on 9/4

If you’re in Savannah, mark your calendar for Savannah’s Fashion Night on Thursday, September 4th. Savannah’s Fashion Night grew out of Vogue’s Fashion’s Night Out, which went on hiatus in 2013. Kudos to the local organizers who have kept SFN…