Author: Tom Cartmel

Baroness and Earthling at The Jinx – photos

I was wrong. I’d been annoyed and sometimes even correcting people who referred to Baroness as a Savannah band. None of the members have lived in Savannah for several years. Was the band associated with the city? Absolutely. But to…

Jeff Two-Names and The Born Agains, Between Symmetries, Sunglow and The Toxic Shock at Hang Fire – photos

For being known as a metal town, The Hostess City sure has a thriving punk scene. It was on full display Friday night with the free 3 band bill at Hang Fire covering a lot of ground in the genre.…

Quintron and Miss Pussycat, Twisty Cats and The Lipschitz at The Dollhouse – photos

“Nothing like a rainy Wednesday to bring people out.” Have we still not figured out an internet way to indicate sarcasm? Because we really, really need it. One of the first conversations I had at Dollhouse Productions Wednesday night contained…

Luv Child II – Thursday night

So Sulfur Studios is really turning into an asset for the Savannah music scene, a nice sized comfortable space that has hosted some great shows recently. Creepoid and The Downtown Boys shows immediately come to mind, but really the heart…

Punk Mess 2015 – photos

So, Dad Joke Productions’ first stab at a 2 day, well, punk mess called, ummm, Punk Mess is in the books. Featuring local bands definitely on the punk end of the rock spectrum, and some super touring bands, the inaugural…

FEST 14 Day 3 – photos

Dear Diary: FEST Day 3. The situation has grown dire. Feet hurt. Ear ringing constantly. Everything is sore. I’m not sure if I can drink any more PBR. Nah, just kidding (Well, not really kidding about the feet and ears.).…

The FEST 14 Day 2 – photos

Well, first things first, I spent the day looking like this…. ….which made a normal (read as weird, fun, meandering, hazy, and drunken) day of FESTing just that much odder, hilarious, and well….FESTier. And what is FESTier than slightly too…

The FEST 14 Day 1 – photos

I’ll get right into it. I had a blast at FEST 13, the 2014, PBR fueled, punk rock centric, Gainesville FL institution of a music festival. Why wouldn’t I return for FEST 14? A weak liver? No. Maturing taste in…

Night of the Living Shred at The Wormhole – photos

How am I NOT going to go to an event named “Night of the Living Shred”?? A Dad Joke production, it featured The Gumps, Twisty Cats, Greta O and The Toxic Shock, and The Ghost Ease, a Portland (OR, not…

Graveface Records & Curiosities 4th Anniversary Party – photos

Have you ever been to an event that was so weird and cool it seems like something out of a movie? And if you were watching that movie, you might think “C’mon, shit like that doesn’t really happen”? Well, the…