Author: Tom Cartmel

Wet Socks, Zulu Wave, Bully Pulpit, Wave Slaves, Hotplate at Hang Fire and The Jinx – photos

I walked back and forth between The Jinx and Hang Fire six times Friday night and caught five great sets of cranked up rock. Here’s some super quick thoughts: Hotplate is quickly turning into one of my favorite local bands.…

The Casket Girls, Dreamend at Graveface Records and Curiosities – photos

Well, I managed to squeeze a couple pictures out of the darkness last Monday night at the sendoff show for The Casket Girls/Dreamend tour. It was a weird, fun night of music, cult videos, taxidermy, bitters, records, Garbage Pail Kids,…

Baroness guitarist to tour with Samhain, Valkyrie signed to Relapse Records

It’s been a busy few weeks for Baroness guitarist Pete Adams. First, he was revealed to be the “special guest” guitarist that has been teased to tour with Samhain, Glenn Danzig’s post Misfits – pre solo artist metal/horror punk outfit.…

2014 Bragg Jam – more photos

So it’s been established that everyone that made the bus trip to Macon’s Bragg Jam had a blast. Personally, I would do it again in a heartbeat, and truly appreciate everyone that made it happen. In a nutshell, the Bragg…

Agalloch, Vex + Blackrune at The Jinx – photos

Savannah has spawned some big names in the metal scene and has a reputation as a metal town, but sometimes if a touring metal band doesn’t have a high enough profile, or it’s a weeknight, or the weather is sketchy,…

2 new Black Tusk songs streaming now

Heads up! Remember the 7″ record Black Tusk mentioned they had hoped was ready for the last Savannah show, but wasn’t, so they gave out the cool cardstock prints instead? Well, I’m guessing that Vulture’s Eye and Screaming Inside Myself…

EYEHATEGOD, Ringworm, Enabler, Holly Hunt, Shroud Eater and more at The Dollhouse – photos

Yes, THAT show. We’ve already written about the ever evolving weirdness/controversy/fallout from Saturday night’s show, but that’s not why those of us that were there showed up. We were at the Dollhouse for the music, and that’s what I’m going…

EYEHATEGOD, Ringworm, Enabler, Shroud Eater, Holly Hunt + more at The Dollhouse Saturday – preview

Here’s the deal: if you are into metal in any way, shape, or form, you should be at The Dollhouse Saturday night. The lineup is absolutely packed with bands ranging from thrash to doom to black to drone to metalcore…

Black Tusk, Bear Fight!, and Bask at The Jinx – photos

Saturday night’s show at The Jinx was exactly what I expected it to be, a room full of familiar faces, lots of PBR and Wild Turkey to lubricate the crowd, and great sets from Bask, Bear Fight! and Black Tusk.…

Weezer and JEFF the Brotherhood at St. Augustine Amphitheatre – photos

Hey kids! Choose your own defensive Weezer concert review: Option 1 (The short version): Screw you, I like Weezer. We drove down to the St. Augustine Amphitheatre to see them and it was really fun. Getting to see JEFF the…