Author: Tom Cartmel

Superchunk, Southern Culture on the Skids, Leagues, The Love Language at The Jam Room Festival – photos

I had never attended The Jam Room Festival before, even though the headliners in its first two years have been bands that I really like, The Hold Steady and Son Volt. This year though, the featured act was a band…

Caustic Casanova, Taze Daze and Sunglow at Hang Fire Wednesday – preview

In my final shipment of my Retro Futurist subscription, there was a seemingly random 7″ single included amongst the other insanely cool goodies (seriously, have you guys seen the 12″ Kylesa Live Studio Improvision?), Pantheon: Volume 1, by Caustic Casanova.…

Wet Socks album release party at Hang Fire – photos

I scrambled to make it to Hang Fire just in time to catch Wet Socks‘ set at their album release “party”. Let’s be honest though, every time Wet Socks plays (especially Hang Fire) it’s a party. High-spirited, surf-infused, insanely catchy…

Shonen Knife and COEDS at The Dollhouse – photos

Ultra eccentric super cult punk pop band (their words, not mine) Shonen Knife played a great, high energy set of Buzzcocks/Ramones indebted rock to a good crowd of music fans at the Dollhouse Friday night. It was impossible not to…

Jack White at Township Auditorium, Columbia SC – photos

I’m the guy people call when they want to go to a concert and need someone to go with them. So off I went to Columbia Wednesday night to see Jack White. Not The White Stripes, not The Dead Weather,…

Statts Fest – more photos

There’s a huge black and white interior panoramic photograph of a heavy metal show on the wall at the Jinx. In the photo the focal point of the crowd is someone who looks to me to be Jason Statts. Maybe…

Whirr, Cloakroom, Creepoid and Crazy Bag Lady at Graveface Records and Curiosities – photos

Whoa! What a great crowd and show last night at Graveface. Other than house shows, it’s pretty much the only option for an all ages show in Savannah. And, hold onto your hats here, people under the age of 21…

Tonto’s new album streaming on Bandcamp

In case you missed it in your news feed, Savannah’s Tonto is streaming their debut album on Bandcamp, and it sounds killer. To my ear it sounds like a great cross between high energy 70’s rock and the best of…

The Love Language, Anchor Bends, Triathalon, Whaleboat and Sunglow at The Jinx/Hangfire – photos

Well, I had wanted to make it out a little more over the last week, but I did see a great night of music Friday night. Both Hangfire and The Jinx had lineups that were interesting to me, so I…

Order of the Owl, Set and Setting, Primate and Mouth of the Architect at The Jinx – photos

It was pretty obvious from the amount of amps on the stage that Friday night at The Jinx was going to be a metal kind of night. With members of Mastodon, Kylesa, Black Tusk, Zoroaster and plenty of up and…