2018 is shaping up to be a pretty good looking year for the music scene here in Savannah by all indications. New bands are popping up left and right while show promoters are looking at out of the ordinary (and all ages!) spots for shows like Sulfur Studios.
Meanwhile, out of town bands are turning to new local favorites to lend a hand with setting up shows. Case in point: last month’s killer show at El-Rocko. Charleston locals, She Returns From War, made a triumphant return (pun actually not intended) to Savannah and in tow with them came Jacksonville singer-songwriter Corey Kilgannon. Rounding out the bill were relative newcomers on the Savannah music scene, Nancy Druid, dealing out some dark yet dance-inducing pop inspired tunes. Check out a few shots below and be sure to hit the jump for the entire set!