Month: December 2014

Folk Transgressions: A Night of Guitar Auteurs – photos

A Safe//Sound production with Daniel Bachman, Richard Leo Johnson, and Coy Campbell accompanied by Markus Kuhlmann and Stu Harmening; hosted by Trinity Sanctuary Concerts.

Burnt Books and Crazy Bag Lady at The Jinx – photos

Well, it looks like the year is quickly winding down, but luckily that doesn’t mean that there’s going to be any shortage of good shows going on around town if last week’s show at The Jinx was any indication. Hosting…

Larry Jack’s Magical Music Tour – 12/4/14 – 12/8/14

Hey guys, I am still pretty pumped about the Lucas show last Wednesday, sorry for those of you that were not able to make it. The tribute to The Band was definitely a great example of the closeness of the…

folk transgressions @ trinity united methodist church

This time of year Savannah looks like a total ghost town. Locals complain when college students are here because everything is crowded, but when they’re gone, c’mon y’all, things around here get totally boring. Luckily for all of us townies…