The Jinx hosted some pretty great rock and roll Friday night, as they are wont to do. All of the bands have roots in punk rock, but the music Friday was a more mature take on it. First up was Anchor Bends, out of Atlanta. I missed them last time they came through town, but I won’t miss them next time. Really, really solid rock trio with alternating vocals between the bass player and guitarist (ex-Leatherface). I hope they come through town on a regular basis.
Drag The River took the stage next, and I was surprised to see that it was just Jon Snodgrass (Armchair Martian, Scorpios) and Chad Price (ALL) on stage. To be honest, I was expecting a full band. Jon and Chad really sound great together, though, and played a beautiful set that may have been a little too mellow to follow Anchor Bends energetic one. Someone in the crowd kept yelling for a ALL cover, She’s My Ex, which wasn’t even written by Price, but we did get a beautiful rendition of Until I Say So from ALL’s Mass Nerder.
Finally Chris Wollard and The Ship Thieves came out and cranked the amps back up. Wollard is half of the vocal duo that fronts Hot Water Music, and The Ship Thieves are in the same vein as that band. Hard rocking, straight ahead rock that seemed to get heavier as the set progressed. Fantastic rhythm section, great guitar, and strong vocals will hook me every time. I thought they played the set of the night.
Bill and I both took some photos. A couple here, with more after the jump: