Hi guys,
Well, as usual, it was another exciting weekend downtown. The Marin Sexton show at the Wormhole on Wednesday was a very enjoyable show. He has a great voice (I was told 5 octave range, whatever that means) and was really a fascinating singer. His fans are a very respectful group and were definitely there to listen to the show. I hope he comes back to Savannah soon, I will be sure to catch him the next time through. Friday’s Beatles Celebration at the American Legion was a complete success. Hats off to Tom, Colleen, Jim, Roy, and, I am sure, many others for a job well-done. Sadly, I missed the beginning of the show, but I really enjoyed everything I saw. Even when one of the bands showed up (slightly) late, the show continued to flow well. I would also like to congratulate the members of GAM for their excellent choices of Beatles covers (I’m Down, Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except For Me & My Monkey, Revolution #9 (!), and Wild Honey Pie). I hope many of you stayed for the surprise finale from Skip Jennings, Skip Hinely, Keith Kozel, and Ricardo Ochoa, it was great fun. Here’s hoping for the Rolling Stones Ed Sullivan Anniversary Show I saw suggested earlier!
On to the suggestions for this week. Looks like it’s another busy weekend.
Thursday 2/13
Eric Culberson – Bayou Café – Blues at one of my favorite blues bars around.
Iron Regan (hardcore punk metal), Crazy Bag Lady (fracas) – Jinx
Friday 2/14 (when and why did Valentine’s Day become such a good music night?)
COEDS (ruckus & roll), Southern Femisphere (punk rock), Rubrics (punk rock) – Graveface Records (7p)
City Hotel (bluegrass) – Dub’s (8p)
Hypnotics (60’s garage rock) – Molly MacPherson’s (10p) – One of my favorite party bands at a great pub.
Lovely Locks, Savannah Sweet Tease Burlesque Revue – Jinx (10p) – What could be better than spending Valentine’s Day with Anna, Crystina, and Britt?
Saturday 2/15
Savannah Bazaar – Southern Pines Co. (1p-6:30) then Wormhole (7p-2a) – (The Lifers, Omingnome, Crazy Bag Lady, Dope Sandwich, KidSyc, Shapes and Their Names, Baked Alaska, Beneath Trees, Eric Culberson, Faeryteeth, Elephant Fire) – I haven’t seen a schedule for this yet, but there are several good bands listed.
Beatles v Stones (2014 Savannah Book Festival) – Lutheran Church of the Ascension Fellowship Hall on Wright Square (2:45) – Author John McMillian will speak on his Beatles v Stones book. I know who I am voting for.
Waits & Co – Blowin Smoke – I am glad to see music back at the Smoke. I always enjoy seeing Jon, Markus and Coy playing their Americana music.
Jucifer – Jinx (10p) – Blackened Doom/Sludge/Deathdrone/Grindgaze/Brutal Folk. I may feel like getting my ears melted off tonight.
Accomplices – Doc’s Bar on Tybee (9p) – The Accomplices will be celebrating St. Practice Day at Doc’s. Not sure if I can make it out there, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone in the Tybee area this Saturday. And, you never know, I may see you out there.
Monday 2/17
Full Of Hell (grinding death in the form of hardcore punk), Mutilation Rites (black/doom/crust metal) – Jinx – I probably won’t make it to the Jinx this night, because my ears will still be ringing from Jucifer on Saturday.
Tuesday 2/1
England In 1819, Grimey, Sunglow – Hang Fire – England in 1819 has a French horn. That is enough to interest me.
AcousticA – Jazz’d – I hope to make it over to Jazz’d to catch Ray and Mike from Bottles & Cans doing their blues thing.